Mustofa. 2007. Students’ Difficulties in Understanding Recount Texts: A case of the Eight year Students of SMP 1Tulis Batang in the Academic year 2008 / 2009. Thesis strata 1 Faculty of Language and Art Education Institute of Teacher Training and Education PGRI Semarang. Thesis Advisors: I Jafar Shodiq, S.Pd, M.Pd, II Drs. Ngasbun Egar, M.Pd.

IKIP Semarang
Memories On Graduation of IKIP PGRI Semarang

The aims of this research are: (1) to find out the students’ ability in Recount text, (2) to know the students’ difficulties in understanding recount text, (3) to give possible solution of the difficulties faced by the eight year students of SMP 1 Tulis Batang in the academic year 2008 / 2009.
In this research, the writer conducted two kinds of research, i.e. library research and field research. Through library research, the writer analyzes some related references to support the data. In field research, the writer takes the data from the sample having been determined. The population of the research is all of the eight year students of SMP 1 Tulis Batang in the academic year 2008 / 2009. The population was represented by Eight (8) C as the sample. To obtain the sample, the writer used the Purposive Sampling Method. To get the data for the analysis, the writer used a test as the instrument. The test is multiple choices consisting of 30 items. Before the instrument was tested, the writer had conducted a try out test to the students to measure the validity and reliability of the instrument/test.
The result of the research shows that the students’ ability in understanding recount text is 66.0% and the categorization of it is good, there are some difficulties or problems faced by the eight year students of SMP 1 Tulis Batang in understanding recount text. Those difficulties are problem of meaning, problem of vocabulary, problem of grammar or past tense (nominal/verbal sentences) and problem of generic structure (Orientation-Events-Reorientation).
To minimize those difficulties, the writer gives some possible ways that can be used for solving the difficulties: creating a conducive and comfortable atmosphere in the teaching learning process, preparing and selecting appropriate material, explaining the material (recount text) as clear as possible and understandable, using context clues and communicative approach.
To make the teaching learning  more interesting, there are some suggestions: the teacher should give more examples to the students of how to read, to write and to understand Recount Texts correctly, the teacher should give more attention to the students in understanding Recount Text wholly, the teacher should use the exact and good approaches in teaching Recount Texts, the students need to add their vocabularies by reading many English books, magazines, songs and so on, the students should improve their knowledge in Recount Texts, the students should use and practice English in daily life conversation, the students should drill to create Recount text by using the rhetorical steps/generic structure, the student needs to practice telling their experience in English and the students needs to consult to the teacher if they have any problems.


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