Genre mengacu pada Kurikulum 2004, Genre can be defined as a culturally specific text-type which result from using language (written or spoken) to help accomplished something.

Genres are culture specific and have associated with :

Ø  Particular purpose
Ø  Particular stage : beginning, middle and ends
Ø  Particular linguistic features

Genre text
Genre Based approach

Jenis-jenis genre secara umum :

A.   Story Genre
1.   Narrative
2.   News story
3.   Exemplum
4.   Anecdote
5.   Recount
6.   Spoof

B.   Factual Genre
1.   Procedure
2.   Explanation
3.   Report
4.   Exposition
5.   Discussion
6.   Review
7.   News Item
8.   Commentary

When talking about genre/text type, always think these:

o   What is the social purpose(function) and goal this text?
o   Through what stages does it achieve that goal?
o   What lexicogrammatical and discourse choice are used?

Untuk lebih lengkap mengenai generic structure dan language feature tentang genre silahkan di klik Jenis-jenis genre beserta penjelasan generic structure dan Language features nya.


  1. Ikut belajar bahasa inggris om, saya gagap nich bahasa inggrisnya jadi kalau udah yang begini ga ngerti..

  2. Ayo kita blajar brsma sma smgat thanks ya sudh visit


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