Wish artinya berharap, Wish memiliki kesamaan dengan Hope, namun wish digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang pasti tidak terjadi atau tidak akan mungkin terjadi. Sedangkan hope digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi atau akan mungkin terjadi.

Hope dapat diikuti oleh verb semua tenses sedangkan wish tidak dapat diikuti oleh simple present tense, termasuk modal auxiliary dalam present tense seperti: can, may, will, shall dsb.

Conditional sentence "Wish"
Kalimat pengandaian "Wish"

Verb wish dalam unreal conditional terdiri dari:

1.   Future wish
S + wish + (that) +
S + could + verb1
S + would +verb1
S + were + verb-ing

a.    I wish my girlfriend would come to my birthday party tonight.
Pada kenyataanya(real): My girlfriend will not come to my birthday party.

b.  We wish we could watch the football match at the Gelora Bung Karno stadium.
Real : We can’t watch the football match at the Gelora Bung Karno stadium.

c.    Mustofa wishes that his grandmother were visiting him.

Catatan: relative pronoun “that” dapat juga digunakan setelah wish.

2.   Present wish
S + wish + (that) + S + verb2

a.   I wish I were handsome
Faktanya(real) : I am not handsome.

b.   Suzan wishes she finished the game first.
Realnya : Suzan doesn’t finish the game first.

c.    Herman wishes that he got that award.
Faktanya : He doesn’t get the award.

d.   They wish their opponent didn’t come
    Faktanya: Their opponent come. 

3.   Past wish
S + wish + (that) +
S + had + verb3
S + could + have + verb3

a.   I wish I Had finished my assignment last night.
Faktanya(real) : I didn’t finish my assignment last night.

b.   Suzan wishes that her mother had cooked pizza yesterday.
Realnya : Her mother didn’t cook pizza yesterday.

c.    We wish we could have solved the problem last Monday.
Faktanya : We couldn’t solve the problem.


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